Hughes River Expeditions

Family Rafting Trips in Idaho

kids playing on the beach

Family rafting trips are an American tradition. Since 1976, families have made whitewater rafting trips with Hughes River Expeditions, Inc. Our family oriented, safety first, river runs are world class family experiences. Family trips make up 60% of our annual business. Jerry Hughes and Carole Finley have raised their kids on Idaho’s rivers. We enjoy outfitting for families, and we do it well.

On the river there are no interruptions from traffic, errands, jobs, or shopping. Don’t worry about scattering at mealtime. Your family will sit down together for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Other families will usually travel with you. Many lifetime friendships begin “on the river”. A family rafting trip is a great three generation adventure with kids, parents, and grandparents.

The guides can help a young angler catch that “first fish” or pick the best dry fly for an advanced fisherman. The trip pace provides time for hiking, exploring, and relaxing. Kids and adults love volleyball or frisbee on pure white Main Salmon River of No Return or Salmon River Canyon sandbars, inspecting an exotic American Native cultural site on the Middle Fork of the Salmon River, or if they are 12 years or older exploring one of the west’s most primitive whitewater on the Selway River Trip during low water from mid-July to mid-August.   Our river library contains books, articles, and other information about the area.

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All camping gear is provided. The guide crew does the camp work and cooking, so you can spend time with your family. Parent’s: The guides set up, cook, and cleanup. You can read a book, swim, fish, hike.

You can find the “right” trip with HRE. Our variety of rivers and equipment assures a trip that fits your experience, interests, and needs. We can plan an introductory trip for a family with young children, and we can organize a challenging white water run for athletic teenagers and young adults.

Safety is our first concern. Life jackets are always worn on the water. The guides know how important safety is, and they understand how important safety is to you. Most Hughes guides range from 25 to 65 years of age. We also work with some college aged guides who add enthusiasm to the team. Many of the crew have guided professionally for 20+ years.

Meals are fantastic, and we are happy to provide “kid’s” food (burgers, hot dogs, PBJ, “some mores”) . Let us know your children’s favorites. We’ll serve our normal adult menu and plenty of extras that kids will love. There is unlimited potable water, plenty of ice, and a generous complimentary supply of beverages. You are welcome to bring any favorite beverages.

Evenings and mornings on the river are special. There’s nothing like snuggling into a cozy sleeping bag, chatting beside a glowing campfire, enjoying a clear night sky, or waking to the aroma of camp coffee and the sound of the river racing past camp.

Call us at 406-540-4450 or e-mail so we can help you pick the trip that is right for your family. “The Great American Raft Trip” is a unique and valuable tradition. We invite you to join us “on the river”.

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